Sarah Scherer- NMAPC Committee Member

Sarah Scherer, Matrix NAC Senior Labor Relations Representative, was recently appointed as the first female committee member of The National Maintenance Agreements Policy Committee (NMAPC). The National Maintenance Agreement Program was established in 1971 and is a labor-management organization. The NMAPC negotiates and administers the National Maintenance Agreements, a series of bargaining agreements used by more than 1,800 industrial contractor companies.
Sarah initially became involved with the NMAPC in 2012 through an organization called The Association for Union Constructors (TAUC). The two groups work closely together, and Sarah served as a member of TAUC’s industrial relations committee. “TAUC’s mission is to act as an advocate for union contractors and enhance cooperation between the entities involved in the successful completion of construction projects,” she explains.
As a committee member of the NMAPC, Sarah will help administer a set of standardized project labor agreements whose terms unions and contractors agree to follow on industrial maintenance and construction projects. “These agreements set forth a framework and procedure for nearly every conceivable aspect of the job,” Sarah said. “By using the National Maintenance Agreements as a template, everyone saves time and is able to more efficiently move forward and focus on getting the job done.”
As the first female committee member, Sarah hopes to set an example for other women in the construction industry. “When I first started working in labor relations almost 14 years ago, I was one of very few young women at the events, which made it hard to interact with a predominantly older, male crowd,” she said. “Today, I look around and see a great increase in the number of women in the industry which is encouraging.”
Please join us in congratulating Sarah on this great accomplishment and on living our core values!