Safety Month 2020 - Week 4

We’ve heard from our HSE leadership throughout the month of June, leading up this final week of National Safety Month. If you missed any of their messages, be sure to check them out:

As we conclude our campaign for this year, Chief Operating Officer Alan Updyke is proud to announce some exciting news about a new HSE initiative launching across the organization this week — Matrix’s five Life Saving Safety Rules.

Although Matrix has always had tasks identified, these Life Saving Rules are in response to industry-wide events and experiences that can result in devastating consequences – the stuff that can kill you or those around you. They are meant to keep everyone on our jobsites and offices safe, and ensure we each hold ourselves and our leaders accountable for the successful implementation of and adherence to these rules. Zero compromises.


Pledge: I will follow fall protection requirements when above the applicable working height.
Always use 100% of the fall protection techniques when tying off
Never enter a location where fall protection is required without being prepared
Only workers who are able and competent will perform work where tie-off is required
Temporary work platforms must have the appropriate access, egress, and guard rails


Pledge: I will follow the hands-free only requirement when driving a vehicle on company business.
Don’t operate equipment, vehicles or machinery unless authorized
When backing heavy equipment, a spotter is required
Never bypass safety devices or operating instructions
Never use a handheld device while driving or operating
You must be unaffected by drugs or alcohol


Pledge: I will secure tools and equipment when working at elevation and never enter a defined danger zone where objects are suspended or could fall from above, without specific authorization.
Never walk under a suspended load
Never leave unsecured material unattended above a lower level
Utilize tool lanyards when working aloft
Areas below must be barricaded if all tools and equipment cannot be secured


Pledge: I will follow the procedures required to protect against energy sources such as electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, stored energy, or gravity.
Verify all isolation devices, locks and tags are correctly installed on all isolation points
All authorized and affected personnel shall install personal locks and tags to all isolation points in accordance with a documented LO/TO procedure
Verify zero energy state prior to starting any repair or maintenance work
Apply and remove your locks and tags ONLY if you are properly trained
Never alter or remove an isolation device, lock or tag that does not belong to you


I will follow all permit procedures for confined spaces, hot work, or other activity where permits are required.
Do not begin any type of work or enter operating areas/units in any facility without the proper permit (e.g., Confined Space, Hot Work, Excavation, Mobile Equipment, General Work, etc.)
Never work outside permit conditions, including the expiration time/date
Stop Work if conditions change or are not addressed on the current permit

If I am a supervisor, I will never knowingly put an employee in a position to violate any of the Life Saving Rules.