Report policy violations

Matrix is a company that does the right thing and we expect the same from our employees. If you think an employee or vendor is acting unethically– whether it’s breaking a law or violating company policy through fraud, bribery, discrimination, harassment, theft or a safety violation– we ask that you do the right thing and report it.

Matrix ensures that there is no backlash to any reports of misconduct made in good faith. You can choose to remain anonymous, but without your contact information, we may not be able to investigate thoroughly.  Including your name, phone number or email address, and/or as many details as possible can help our audit team resolve the case properly.

Ways to report violations

Choose the method that is best for you. You can report suspected violations by email, postal mail, voicemail or by submitting the web form below. In all communications, please include:

  • Your contact info (optional)
  • The employee(s) or vendor(s) in question
  • The location where the incident occurred: office, project site, shop location or city
  • Details about the incident including dates
Postal mail
Matrix Service Company
Attn: Hotline
15 E. 5th St., Ste. 1100
Tulsa, OK 74103

Leave a detailed message at:

US/Canada: 855 414 0002
Australia: 1800 784 326
South Korea: 00308 133 050
Web form

Please use the form below to report violations: